Avatar of pcdawson
Calgary, Alberta

Professor of Archaeology

Edelweiss Swiss Village 3D Models


Edelweiss Swiss Village was home to the Swiss Mountain Guides who opened up the Canadian Rockies to mountaineering during the first decades of the 20th century. In 2022, the Digital Heritage Preservation Research Group at the University of Calgary began working with the Swiss Edelweiss Village Foundation to preserve the six chalets that comprise the site. This past October, our team returned to capture the entire site using a GeoSlam Horizon mobile lidar system with Zeb camera, as well as a Z+F 5010X and Leica Blk360 scanner. The dense trees and steep terrain created some challenges for capturing the chalets - as did various onsite construction activities. Regardless, the entire site was captured over a period of 4 days. Stay tuned as we add these new data sets to our digital heritage archives (alberta.preserve.ucalgary.ca).